The 2014 Heritage Partnership Award of the Four Rivers Heritage Areas
goes to the Kunta Kinte Children’s Festival which was organized by and held
at Chesapeake Children’s Museum with the partnership of: The City of Annapolis,
Colonial Nursery School, and Cadette Girl Scout Troop 4149. The event featured
alligators and other African animals brought by EcoAdventures, a dance performance
by Expressions Dance Company, and our special guest Kwame Ansah-Brew. The
public is invited to attend the Awards Ceremony: Thursday, November 6, 5 - 7 pm
in the Blue Heron Room at Quiet Waters Park. $10 per person is appreciated.
RSVP by November 3rd to Dr. Carol Benson at the Four Rivers HeritageAreas
office at 410-222-1805 or by email at