September 1, 2017

La Fiesta Grande - Fireworks after Dark - Saturday September 16

Featuring: Bolivian Dancers, PaGozar Latin Band, Priddy Music Academy. Celebrate Mexican Independence Day and Hispanic Heritage Month with soccer demos, live music, craft-making, piñatas and reworks! 4-8 pm. Weems-Whalen Memorial Fields, 935 Spa Rd. 2-hour free parking passes to the first 100 cars to arrive! Others can park at Bates Middle School. Todo el mundo es bienvenudo. Free. 

Chipotle Night! Tuesday September 19th

Eat out Mexican! All diners who men on ChesapeakeChildrens Museum will be contributing 50% of  the cost of your meal to The Big Read! 4 to 8 pm at Annapolis Mall. 

Kunte Kinte Festival - Saturday Sept. 23

Held at Annapolis City Dock.
Continuous live entertainment. Childrens activities presented by CCM. Learn about the African-Mexican connection! La Bambacell phone sing-along between 2:25-2:55 pm at the Community Stage.Festival runs from 10 am to 7 pm. Free admission. Food and wares for sale.